Chamber Member Appreciation Cookout
- Leeds First United Methodist Church
- October 27, 2022
- Thursday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
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Chamber Member Appreciation Cookout
Leeds First United Methodist Church
Thursday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
October 27, 2022
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
Organizer's other eventsChamber Member Appreciation Cookout
Chamber Member Appreciation Cookout 2022 – Thursday, October 27 from 11a-1p | The Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce would like to show our appreciation to you as a chamber member.
Our Board of Directors will have hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill to provide an appreciation lunch just for you so if you are a chamber member, drop by anytime between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for a free lunch on us! Location: Leeds First United Methodist Church Family Life Center.
There is no charge to participate, but RSVP is required so we may prepare enough food.
To RSVP, please call Sandra McGuire at 205.699.5001, 205.965.9392 or email