February is Alabama Career Technical Education Month

Last Thursday in celebration of Alabama Career Technical Education Month, at the monthly Luncheon for Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce, Shannon Logan and Russ Cofield spoke about the growth of CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs and craft training in Leeds High School.
Shannon Logan is the health sciences teacher at LHS, and is also the sponsor for HOSA-Future Health Professionals. Leeds High School offers classes like Foundations of Health, Human Body Structures, Anatomy, and PCT (Patient Care Tech) training and certification. PCT certification allows for a student to get a job immediately after high school. PCTs check blood pressure, heart rate, monitor food intake, and a variety of other skills that they all learn in the classroom. Along with these classes, Mrs. Logan heads the HOSA chapter at LHS. HOSA’s purpose is to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry and to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare to all people. The members of HOSA participate in fun, competitive events, attend conferences all around the country, and get to meet healthcare professionals. These opportunities help to inspire the next generation of medical workers! LHS offers other CTE classes and programs like FCCLA-Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America.

Russ Cofield is the Education Director of Craft Training at the Academy of Craft Training in Birmingham. The Academy of Craft Training is a public/private partnership between the commercial construction industry and the State of Alabama’s K-12 Career and Technical Education System. The goal of the Academy of Craft Training is to recruit, train, and guide high school students for both educational and employment opportunities in the construction industry. The Academy offers 5 main areas of training: Building Construction, Electrical, HVAC, Interior/Exterior Finishes, and Welding & Piping. Students learn all about safety, how to use hand and power tools, and develop both the skills needed for their job and personal skills like communication. At the Academy of Craft Training, jobs/internships are guaranteed after graduation, allowing all participants a job immediately following high school. Participation in the Academy at LHS has grown tremendously over the past couple of years and now a bus load of LHS students attend the Academy every day. This participation is only anticipated to increase as the benefits are incredible to both the school and student! Anthony Russo, LHS Senior, spoke about his experiences at trade school and the ways in which he’s grown personally and in the trade. Anthony has already worked with multiple companies and is looking forward to multiple job offers when he graduates. Another speaker for the Academy was welding instructor Darren Ledbetter, who was a student at the Academy when he was in high school. He spoke about all the amazing job opportunities he received upon graduation and the benefits of teaching under Russ Cofield at the Academy. Both Russ Cofield and Shannon Logan are helping guide students in their futures whether that be in college or in the job force and it is evident that both are incredibly passionate about helping students succeed.

Photo L-R: Maddie Garrett & Kate Moore – LHS HOSA participants, Tiffiany Ward – Chamber President, Shannon Logan – LHS, John Moore – LCS Superintendent, Russ Logan & Darren Ledbetter – Academy of Craft Training-Birmingham and Anthony Russo – LHS Academy participant.
~Article by Darcy Phillips – LHS 2022-2023 Everyone Leeds Intern. Photos by Dona Bonnett.