Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Awards Luncheon

  • Leeds First Baptist Church
  • December 16, 2021
  • Thursday, 11:45 AM to 1:00 AM

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Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Awards Luncheon

Thursday, 11:45 AM to 1:00 AM
December 16, 2021


RSVP Now for Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Awards Luncheon | Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will host their annual Awards Luncheon at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, December 16,  2021 at First Baptist Church Leeds 7481 Parkway Drive, Leeds, AL 35094.

Awards will be presented for Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year, Civic Award, Ambassador of the Year and more.  The 2022 Chamber Board of Directors will be introduced and sworn in at this meeting.

This is a great opportunity to meet and develop relationships with other Leeds area business professionals, hear a great speaker and enjoy a great lunch.

Lunch is $12 with RSVP ($15 without RSVP) and make your reservation with Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, at (205) 699-5001, (205) 965.9392 or Sandra@LeedsAreaChamber.com.

To learn more about Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce or this meeting, please visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.