Taste Test 4 Teens | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

  • Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
  • July 8, 2023
  • Saturday, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
  • Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

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Taste Test 4 Teens | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

Saturday, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
July 8, 2023


Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

Organizer's other events

Taste Test 4 Teens | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library

Hey Teens, ready to start a Snacktastic Adventure? Every month we will invite you and your friends to taste-test snack samples from Universal Yums like: British potato chips, French chocolates, and Colombian gummies are only scratching the surface of the amazingly unique and delicious snacks you’ll get to try every month! Bring your friends and join us to start a global adventure! Taste Test 4 Teens is always FREE!
*Next Taste Test 4 Teens is Saturday, July 8th @Noon.

Upcoming Dates, Subject To Change:
*Saturday, August 12th @Noon
*Saturday, September 9th @Noon