YP Leeds Area TACKY Christmas Sweater Party

  • 8139 Event Boutique
  • December 16, 2021
  • Thursday, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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YP Leeds Area TACKY Christmas Sweater Party

8139 Event Boutique

Thursday, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
December 16, 2021


YP Leeds Area TACKY Christmas Sweater Party

8139 Event Boutique

Thursday, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
December 16, 2021

Young Professionals Leeds Area invites you to eat, drink and be tacky at The TACKY Christmas Sweater Party.
Thursday, December 16 – 6:30 PM
Location: 8139 Event Boutique-Leeds
Time to dust off those ugly sweaters again and spend some holiday time with your friends!
Don’t miss this special event with other young professionals in the greater Leeds Area and be sure to bring a friend.
More info about this event and please RSVP at www.YPLeedsArea.com or contact:
Kayla Jones – (205) 767-4519
Tiffiany Abel Ward – (205) 427-2732
Jacob Meyer – (205) 340-8977
YPLA Tacky Christmas Sweater Party | Young Professionals Leeds Area invites you to eat, drink and be tacky on Thursday, December 16 - 6:30 PM