Leeds Happenings this Week!
The Place to Go to Be in the Know
Check Out this Week's Leeds Happenings
The Christmas season is definitely in full swing and the excitement continues to flourish! The Christmas Parade is tomorrow night and it's going to be an awesome time together. Local retailers and businesses are busy decorating their storefronts, Chris Barentz continues to splash her incredible holiday designs on many windows, select businesses and individuals are busy decorating planters with Christmas cheer under the direction of Main Street committees and everyone is knocking themselves out with activities, offerings, events and plenty of shopping deals. Mistletoe on Main is a new event hosted by Leeds Main Street with plenty of fun planned. CATS has a full schedule at the Rose Garden. Others are hosting parade watch parties and after parties to continue the excitement and celebration in anticipation of Christmas! We hope you will take time to check out all of the offerings in this edition of Everyone Leeds. Let's continue to build community and remember...
Shop Leeds. Dine Leeds. Live Leeds. Entertain Leeds.
Leeds Middle School Band Christmas Concert

The Leeds Middle School Bands held their Christmas Concert on Tuesday night with 6th, 7th and 8th grade performers. The students in the large group photos have been chosen to go to Honor Band at different area universities. Other students are awaiting their Honor Band assignments. Large Group Photo L-R: Vivienne Harvey - UAB, Khloe Jackson - UofA, Savannah Haley - UAB, Izzy Hasset - UAB, Rayvan Brown - UofA, Parker Harrell - UofA. Small Group Photo L-R: Amelia Davis, Saylor Miller & Felayla Chavez. ~Photos courtesy of Annette McGuire.
Leeds Youth Cheerleaders Recognized at City Council Meeting

Mayor David Miller & the City Council recognized the Leeds Youth Cheerleaders at Monday night's City Council meeting with a Proclamation of Recognition for the hard work and dedication of their Competition teams, Coaches, Board, and Choreographers. Photo courtesy of Leeds Youth Cheerleading.

Leeds High School National Honor Society Students Reads to Leeds Primary School Children

This Tuesday, the Leeds High School National Honor Society (NHS), chaperoned by English 11 teacher Laura Delehanty, went to LPS to read to the children. As the holidays are approaching, the members of the NHS read Christmas books and played holiday bingo with a few of the Pre-K through First Grade students from each class. Though at first some of the high schoolers were nervous about talking to the kids, we soon realized that the kids were just happy to get to talk about Christmas, presents, and other holiday fun. We all remember how fun school was during the holidays at that age, as many of us reminisced about our elementary school days, with the Christmas parties, ornament making, and Christmas story reading. The primary school is currently preparing for its Deck the Halls this Thursday from 5-7pm which Principal Porter says “is an incredible opportunity for us to come together as a community family and celebrate our students and the Christmas season.” It’s a busy time at LCS, but also an exciting one! NHS Students Group Photo Back L-R: Haylee Cook, Brody Moon, Mary Joan Martin, Darcy Phillips, Megan Harris. Front L-R: Avery Ford, Gracie Saunier, Chloe Gosdin, Chris Byrd. ~Post & Photos Courtesy of Darcy Phillips
Christmas Cheer continues to spread all around the City of Leeds
Christmas Cheer continues to spread all around the City of Leeds. Chris Barentz keeps her paint brush busy decorating storefront windows while different businesses and individuals use their creativity to decorate tree-like structures up and down the Parkway under the direction of Leeds Main Street.
Pictured: Drayer Physical Therapy Institute.
#shoplocal #shopleeds
25 Days of Christmas | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
We have gathered an abundance of different activities - for everyone to enjoy in your family.
Check out our Website: www.LeedsLibrary.com to download 25 Days of Activities.
Visit our Social Media (Facebook & Instagram) each day for an activity that's completely different from the website activities. AND
Come See Us at the Library to pick up your Christmas Family Time Kit (Starting Dec. 14th). You can customize your Christmas Family Time Kits with craft and activity sheets, board games, and movies, add a few Christmas children's books, but don't forget your novelty snack at the checkout counter! We hope you have a wonderful time with family! For more information, CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
Grand River Drive-In
Grand River Drive-In has something special planned for this weekend!
Come out Dec 9th and 10th for your chance to watch a Horror Christmas Double Feature,
Recently Released Double Feature,
or Double Feature with two Christmas Throwbacks!
Gates open at 5:30pm / Movies begin at 6:30pm
Visit Us Online to View the Movies and Pre-order Tickets Quick and Easy - www.grandriverdrive-in.com
Thursday, December 8
Hustle & Grind Coffee Mondays | 6a-11a
at the corner of 9th Street & Parkway!
Serving your coffee favorites and more! Hustle & Grind Coffee Company
2X a week - Mondays and Thursdays!
Teen Game Club | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Thursday, December 8th — Teen Game Club
Time: 4pm-5pm Event Details: Bring your friends and family and select one of our many board games. Find a spot in the library to play a game. We now have several locations in the library ready for you to study, read, or play a game. We provide water and snacks.
For more information, CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
Deck the Halls | Leeds Primary School
Deck the Halls is happening on Thursday, December 8, from 5-7 p.m. at Leeds Primary School!
Come walk the halls and help vote for your favorite Christmas tree and decorated hallway, grab dinner, visit Santa, hear Christmas songs from our Pre-K carolers, and more!
We can't wait to see you there!
Live Music | The Backyard
AMAZING LINEUP and MUSIC at The Backyard This Weekend!!!
12/8 - Rick Carter - 6 -9pm
Cornhole Tournament | Van's Bar Leeds
Join us every week for our indoor cornhole tournament. 2 blind draws. $10 entry. Register by 6:50 PM. Bags fly at 7 PM! More info: https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Friday, December 9
Live Music | The Backyard
AMAZING LINEUP and MUSIC at The Backyard This Weekend!!!
12/9 - Eric Watters - 6 to 9pm
Downtown Leeds Christmas Parade | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Friday, December 9th — Downtown Leeds Christmas Parade
Time: 7pm Event Details: Join everyone in downtown Leeds for the Annual Christmas
Parade down Parkway Drive. For more information, CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
2022 Leeds Christmas Parade | December 9 - 7 PM
Watch the Annual Christmas Parade on Parkway Drive in Downtown Leeds hosted by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Leeds - Friday, December 9th at 7pm. Participating/Riding in the Christmas Parade is FREE, but registration is required. Just download the parade application from the Chamber website and submit prior to December 9. Professional Floats are available by pre-order for $450 ready to hook up to your truck. Visit: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com
Vulcan Realty Parade Watch Party

Leeds Community Rose Garden Christmas Tree Lighting | CATS
Hello everyone, you are invited to the 2nd Annual Christmas Tree lighting at the Rose Garden, 8400 1st Ave downtown Leeds. We will light the Christmas tree on December 9th at 5pm and will have hot chocolate, hot cider and cookies - and kids, Santa will be there from 4-6pm.
Community Action Togetherness Services | Leeds AL | Facebook

Mistletoe on Main | Leeds Main Street
Before & after Leeds Christmas Parade - 4p until 10p - Use QR Code in Photo to sign up for Carriage Ride and check out the Activity Map & Schedule for all of the festivities!
AtroxMas | Atrox Factory
AtroxMas opens back up this weekend for 2 nights, Friday-Saturday, December 9-10
Krampus is Coming…This Friday! (Purchase tickets) Atroxmas Tickets
The City of Leeds will block off Highway 78 for the Downtown Christmas parade starting at 7pm on December 9th. We ask you to exit off 147 in Moody to get to Leeds. This will be a much quicker route than dealing with all that traffic, especially if you have timed tickets..
Bob Marston Live at the Rail | Rails & Ales
Live music with Bob Marston 7-11 pm. Gumbo to Geaux 6-9 pm.
Info: railsandales.beer
First Annual Parade Float | Van's Bar Leeds
Join us at the Leeds Christmas Parade this Friday, December 9th, at 7:00 PM for VAN'S first annual parade float, complete with candy throws and Becca's Boot Scooters Line Dance Troupe performing. Mistletoe on Main Street starts at 4 PM with food trucks, a bounce house, live music, and a kiddie train. Party to follow at the bar after the parade! https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Saturday, December 10
Blue Light Special Art Show | Earthborn Pottery
Always the second weekend of December!
The Blue Light Special Art Show is THIS Weekend! Saturday, December 10th from 9am-4pm and Sunday, December 11th from 11am-4pm. While here, join us to support our ‘Empty Bowls’ fundraiser supporting The First Light Women's Shelter. For a nominal donation ($25) you’ll get hot soup prepared by Chef Sean P Butler of Pursell Farms and Jonathan 'Rusty' Tucker of Rusty's Bar-B-Q served in handmade Earthborn bowls, which you keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. Proceeds support First Light Shelter
Take & Make Saturday | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Ornament Making Saturday, December 10th - 10am-2pm - Event Details: Enjoy the spirit of the season with this kid-friendly seasonal ornament. Pick-up your child's ornament bag in the children's department; then, take it home to carefully make a beautiful ornament to display.
More info, CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com

Photos with Santa + Grinch! | The Outlet Shops of Grand River
Saturday, December 10 | 12-4pm | By the Christmas Tree close to Kay Jewelers
Christmas City Market | The Tower of Prayer Church
The Tower of Prayer Church is thrilled at the opportunity to give back to our community via our first Christmas City Market on Saturday, December 10 at the Leeds Civic Center! This event is FREE and open to the PUBLIC.
Time: 9:00 A.M. until Supplies Last
FREE Clothes, Goods, Toys, and more!
Live Music | The Backyard
AMAZING LINEUP and MUSIC at The Backyard This Weekend!!!
12/10 - Greg Tolbert - 2 to 5pm
AtroxMas | Atrox Factory
Lat Night for AtroxMas, Saturday, December 10th
(Purchase tickets) Atroxmas Tickets
Atrox Factory | Facebook
Wacky Tacky Christmas Contest Party | Community Action Togetherness
Saturday, December 10th
This is a fundraiser for CATS Community Projects.
Community Action Togetherness Services | Leeds AL | Facebook
Dolores Hydock & Bobby Horton: Jingle All the Way! | Leeds Art Council
Jingle All the Way:
Stories, Songs and Sing-alongs
with Dolores Hydock and Bobby Horton
An evening of happy holiday stories, favorite Christmas songs, and jolly sing-alongs to help jump-start your holiday season.
Eric Watters Live at the Rail | Rails & Ales
Live music with Eric Watters 7-11 pm. Food with D'squared 6-9.
Info: railsandales.beer
DISCO NIGHT | Van's Bar Leeds
DISCO NIGHT is almost here! Join the fun this Saturday, December 10th, starting at 8 PM. LIVE entertainment by Black Sedan Band. 70's music. Dress up! Let's party like it's 1979! More info: https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Sunday, December 11

Happy Sunday
Celebrate with your family in the church of your choice and enjoy your day!
First Baptist Church Leeds
This Sunday, we light the Candle of Peace!
“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ!” Romans 5:1. Join us for worship at 8:30 or 10:45 AM with Christmas Cantata at 5PM!
More info: www.facebook.com/firstbaptistleeds
Holiday Open House | Artist Incorporated Gallery
Support local artists - Give the gift of art. Wonderful art gallery in Birmingham, Alabama with more than 40 of the finest artists in Alabama.
Artist Incorporated Gallery Facebook
Live Music | The Backyard
AMAZING LINEUP and MUSIC at The Backyard This Weekend!!!
12/11 - Pepper Brooks - 1 to 4pm
Monday, December 12
Hustle & Grind Coffee Mondays | 6a-11a
at the corner of 9th Street & Parkway!
Serving your coffee favorites and more! Hustle & Grind Coffee Company
2X a week starting this week - Mondays and Thursdays!
Masterpiece Monday's at Leeds Theatre & Arts Center | 9a-Noon
Did you know we are open on Mondays from 9-12? Come on down to the #leedsartscouncil to view the art of November's featured artists and have a cup of coffee from the Hustle & Grind truck!
More Info: www.LeedsArtsCouncil.org
Monday Lunchtime Movie: Love Actually | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Monday, December 12th
Time: 11am Event Details: Monday Lunch Time Movie for the Holiday: Love Actually
Program Type: Film Age Group: Adults Event Details: Nine intertwined stories examine the complexities of the one emotion that connects us all: love. The film follows eight couples during the holiday season with stories that make your heart ache, stories that make you believe in the magic of the season, and stories that make you laugh until your belly hurts. Among the characters explored are David, the handsome newly elected British prime minister who falls for a young junior staffer, Sarah, a graphic designer whose devotion to her mentally ill brother complicates her love life, and Harry, a married man tempted by his attractive new secretary. Starring Bill Nighy, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Martin Freeman, Joanna Page, Keira Knightley, and Hugh Grant. R, 2003, 2h 15m. The movie begins at 11am for come-and-go lunchtime movie time.
Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Monday, December 12th — Chef Rose - Coffee & Cake Friends of the Library Event - Time: 2pm-6pm Event Details: Welcome Chef Rose to the Library! You will recognize Chef Rose from her cooking spots on TVs Talk of Alabama, local morning talk show. Chef Rose will bring cakes to taste and take. This Friends of the Library event is a fundraiser and just in time for the holiday parties and edible gifts.
CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
Men's Bible Study | First Baptist Church Leeds
More info: www.facebook.com/firstbaptistleeds
Tuesday, December 13
N.O.A.H. Christmas | First Baptist Church Leeds
December 13th
More info: www.facebook.com/firstbaptistleeds
My Story Town: The North Pole | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Tuesday, December 13th — My Story Town: The North Pole
Time: 10:30am Event Details: Join us at the North Pole/Leeds Library for My Story
Town! Mrs. Claus is going to read us stories, we will enjoy cookies & milk, sing songs, do
crafts and write letters to Santa to travel to the North Pole. Ages: Children and
More info, CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
Blazin Beats Music Bingo | Rails & Ales
Pop Culture Trivia Challenge is adding to the fun we bring with Blazin' Beats Bingo. This is a fast paced music bingo game where our hosts will play part of songs while you listen and mark them off on your bingo card. This ain't your grandma's bingo! Get ready to hear great music, win prizes and, hopefully, be the first to yell BINGO!!! We bring the fun to Rails and Ales every Tuesday at 7 pm. More Information: Rails & Ales
Line Dancing & Pool Tournament | Van's Bar
Wednesday, December 14
Beverly's Dance Studio - Christmas Themed! | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Wednesday, December 14th
Time: 10:30am Event Details: Join in the music and move and groove! Bring your 2yrs and up children for 30 mins of movement and dance routines. This free dance activity is a gift to the Leeds Jane Culbreth Library Patrons. Bring a friend and sign them up for a library card!
Leeds Jane Culbreth Library | 8104 Parkway Drive | (205) 699-5962
Cookies & Cocoa W/ Santa | Merch Event Boutique
Santa clause is coming to MERCH
& you are not gonna want to miss this event!!
Santa will be there 6PM-7PM
$5.00 at the door | 8008 Parkway Drive, Leeds.
For more information: Cookies & Cocoa W/ Santa | Facebook

Christmas Caroling | Cedar Grove Baptist Church
December 14, 2022
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Every year, we have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with some of our church family that we don't get to see very often. Join us for caroling, followed by hot cocoa!
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
2001 Cedar Grove Road
Leeds, AL 35094
T: 205.699.8446
Free Billiards | The Backyard Leeds
Open Mic Night & Weekly Pool Tournaments | Van's Bar
Upcoming Events
Awards Luncheon | The Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
RSVP now for The Leeds Area Chamber Of Commerce Annual Awards Awards Luncheon scheduled for 11:45 am on Thursday, December 15 at Leeds First Methodist Church - 1189 6th Street. Business of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year and other awards will be presented in addition to the 2023 Board of Directors will be recognized. Lunch is $15 payable at the door and RSVP by Tuesday, December 13. Door prizes are accepted to advertise your business. Our Awards Luncheon 2022 Event Sponsor is Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial. Don't miss this exciting event of the year!
More info: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com
Shopping, Deals & More

Twelve Days of Christmas | Leeds Main Street
Shop these extra special offerings at each local retailer on the appropriate day in addition to all of the wonderful deals you will find in Leeds, Alabama this holiday shopping season.
Shop Local
Meat Sale | American Legion Post 107
Pre-order Ham & Turkeys by December 16th
Pick up Christmas Eve by 3p.m.
Christmas dinners to go | Rusty's Bar-B-Q
We had an overwhelming response to our Thanksgiving menu this year! Back by popular demand, we will be taking orders for Christmas dinners as well! Stop by and fill out an order form, or submit it online at Rusty's Bar-B-Q Christmas order form. As always you can also call and place your order by phone.
(205) 699-4766
Spirit Night | Three Earred Rabbit Leeds
Spreading Christmas Cheer
We will be hosting 3 spirit nights giving back to the Leeds community
1st one is Leeds Main Street
Parade day, stop in and have dinner with us before the Christmas Parade 10% of proceeds from 3-7 go to Leeds Main Street.
More info: Facebook Page
2022 Gift Guide | The Backyard
Purchase your gift cards next time you stop by and a earn bonus gift card.
Click to view: The Backyard 2022 Gift Guide
Normal Hours for The Backyard Now thru December 23:
Restaurant: Monday - Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Drive In: Friday & Saturday Night
For more information: https://shopsofgrandriver.com/
Shop Standard Furniture & Mattress
7710 Parkway Drive, Leeds
Holiday Open House | LA Salon & Boutique
Holiday Open House - December 7-9
For all of your holiday gifts & Tan!
LA Salon Boutique
Plus Tanning
on Livery Square
1601 9th Street, Leeds
New Membership Offer | Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
Join Now & Get the Rest of 2022 Free!
Membership has its privileges so you will definitely want to be connected.
Consumers are 49% more likely to think favorably of a business and 80% more likely to purchase a product of service if the business is a member of a chamber of commerce according to a survey conducted by the Schapiro Group, an Atlanta-based firm.
It's one of the best investments you can make for your business!
For more information about Membership benefits, visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.

Shop this Holiday Season with Mum & Me Mercantile
We are checking off the events and sales at Mum & Me Mercantile. Look at the list to see what is coming up next!
See you at the parade and the 1st annual Mistletoe on Main event!
12 Days of Christmas Deals | Pants Store
Pants Store's 12 Days of Christmas Deals started December 7th! Buy a $100 gift card and receive a $25 gift card free! Valid at all locations and online!
Tap to shop on Instagram + Shop online at pantsstore.com & at all six of our locations

Reindeer Food
Shandi White - Realtor is going to be assembling and putting together baskets of reindeer food to put in small businesses to drive more foot traffic to them over the holidays. She’ll market it and keep them stocked for you through Christmas.
If you or someone you know would like to be listed as a pickup location, let Shandi know!
— at Shandi White - Realtor.
Door Dash is Available | Van's Bar
Give The Gift Of Fitness | Workout Anytime Leeds
TOTAL RECOVERY FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND ALL THE DAYS AFTER! Fitness never felt so good... as HydroMassage.
Join now for only a $1 enrollment fee! Call now to learn more!
Now Hiring
Job Opportunities | Chick-fil-A Leeds
We are getting closer to opening back up so that means it is time to start building our team back up! We are hiring for all positions so come join our family!
Helping Others
Volunteers Needed | Leeds Main Street
Volunteers are needed for our Mistletoe on Main event this Friday. View the opportunities and sign up here - Main Street Volunteers - Mistletoe on Main

As we enjoy this holiday season and think about our end of the year charity and gift giving, remember to open your heart and give to the charity of your choice. Remember our local charities right here in Leeds, Alabama!
Here are some Leeds Non-Profits to Consider:
- American Legion Post 107
- Ann's New Life- Friends of the Library
- Community Action Togetherness Services, Inc.
- Knights of Columbus Leeds Council #5597
- Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
- Leeds Arts Council
- Leeds Education Foundation
- Leeds Historical Society
- Leeds Lions Club
- Leeds Main Street
- Leeds Masonic Lodge #446
- Leeds Outreach
- Moton Community Center
- The Red Barn
- Tri-County Civitan
- Women's Literary Club
- Your Local Church

Christmas Gift Update | Leeds Outreach
Please consider a one-time $10 donation to support our ongoing efforts. L O helps families in Leeds with food, utilities, medicine, school supplies and Christmas. Thank you, https://leedsoutreach.godaddysites.com/

Coat Drive
Just a reminder!
Drop off locations:
MortgageRight-Leeds (7910 Parkway Dr) - Smith & Pate Group at Keller Williams (Keller Williams - Trussville) EXIT - Legacy Realty Reli - Pell City
Access Title & Closing Group, LLC - Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce - Van's Bar - Workout Anytime Leeds - Posh Salon - EyeCare Associates - Boneyard Builds -Stratford Real Estate
Toys For Tots at Workout Anytime 

Help us give back to the community and give a child the best Christmas! We have joined Toys for Tots this year; the boxes will be taken by December 12th.
This Week's Recipe
Eggnog Cinnamon Rolls
These cinnamon rolls have a subtle eggnog flavor and a hint of nutmeg—the perfect breakfast treat for the holiday season. They taste like classic cinnamon rolls with some added warm spice depth. The frosting is a creamy, slightly tangy contrast to the sugary rolls.
Recipe at: eggnog Cinnamon rolls by allrecipes.com

Everyone Leeds need your help! We want your videos! We want to know why you love leeds and the best way to communicate that is through a short selfie video. All you have to do is to record your video on your iPhone or Android and send it to us. Don't worry about messing up! You can record as many takes as you want until you get it like you want it to be - just 30-60 seconds of you sharing why you love our wonderful City of Leeds. We know that Everyone Loves Leeds, but we want to know why YOU LOVE LEEDS! You may email your video to us at everyoneleeds@gmail.com or share it with us on Google Drive. Your video will be shared on our Everyone Leeds website (www.EveryoneLeeds.com) and our social media. We look forward to hearing why you love Leeds! #ILoveLeeds
Don't worry! If you're camera shy, you can still get in the news. We'll be happy to accept your written blurb!
Let Everyone Leeds Share Your News!
Community is important so that's why we want your news. Whether you have a heart-warming story about the people of Leeds, a local business, an upcoming event or a bit of history that you would like to share, we're all ears here at Everyone Leeds. Everyone Leeds is a positive platform to help you get your news out so please send us your news and happenings each week!
Would your business like to be featured here?
If you are a member of the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and have a business or an upcoming event in Leeds, Alabama, you could be featured on this weekly e-blast. Please submit your upcoming event(s) or special offering and we will be happy to include it!
Are you looking for certain product or service from a local vendor? Check out the Business Directory at Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and choose a chamber member.
If you are a local business and not a chamber member, maybe it's time! For more information, visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.
To keep up with what's happening in Leeds, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to get this weekly e-blast direct to your inbox and visit our website often!
#everyoneleeds #leedshappenings #happeningleeds #historicleeds #leedsalabama #dineleeds #shopleeds #entertainleeds #visitleeds #thingstodo #events #minutesfrombham #buildingcommunity