Leeds Happenings this Week!
The Place to Go to Be in the Know
Check Out this Week's Leeds Happenings
There's definitely a lot going on in historic Leeds so we're finding more news to share. The events at Barber this weekend were fabulous with sold-out crowds. The City-Wide Prayer Breakfast brought many together to pray for our city. Our community is so benevolent that it shows what great people we have here. Ann's New Life Center will be kicking off their fundraiser. Knights of Columbus has two fundraisers going on with Bingo and the Beach Giveaway. Creek Bank Festival & Cruising the Creek Bank Car Show are only a few days away and Alabama Tourism Director, Lee Sentell, will speak at our next chamber of commerce lunch.
We appreciate each of you that send us happenings and for everyone who reads our Everyone Leeds news each week. It's amazing how people are talking about Everyone Leeds so it's no wonder that we are becoming your local Leeds news source.
Be sure to check out the entire calendar with all of our local establishments for the next week and beyond. Also, please take advantage of shopping opportunities, deals, fundraisers and more. Always, remember to think Leeds first!
Shop Leeds. Dine Leeds. Entertain Leeds.
Leeds 27th Annual Creek Bank Festival & Cruising The Creek Bank Car Show This Saturday

Only a couple of days away - happening this Saturday! We have plenty of fun planned and over 100 vendors so be sure to mark your calendars for an incredible festival this year! We are so excited about our entertainment line-up. You will not want to miss a moment of the 27th Annual Creek Bank Festival and 6th Annual Cruising the Creek Bank Car Show! More info: www.CreekBankFestival.com
Tristen Gressett, Pell City's own singer/songwriter fresh off the American Idol stage as a Top 11 Contender, has confirmed to be on the Creek Bank stage along with Evan Riley, Erica Ryleigh, Eric Watters, Roy Mac and The WingNuts!
View full press release at: www.CreekBankFestival.com

Creek Bank Stage Entertainment, Street Vendors, Food Trucks & Plenty of Activities!
There will be plenty of Creek Bank Stage entertainment, a huge number of street vendors, food trucks, Creek Bark Dog Pageant, Hula Hoop Contest, Face Painting, Balloon Artist and a day full of fun for the entire family. (May 14 with rain date of May 21)

Be sure to get out your antique car or other favorite vehicle to enter the car show for two great causes: Leeds Outreach and Backpack Buddies. Creek Bank Festival 2022 plans plenty of fun for the entire family so help us get the word out and we'll see you there!
Leeds First United Methodist Church
Joseph Mendum is our new Modern Worship & Youth Director. He has a Music Degree from Samford, recently married Bryanna, and enjoys good restaurants, video games, cooking, family pets, and working w/music, youth, & kids.
Sunday, May 15th - We'll have a welcome for Joseph and Bryanna Mendum immediately following our 8:45a Modern Worship service (approximately 9:40-10:00am).
Join us in welcoming Joseph as he joins our mission to guide more folks on the paths to know and grow like Jesus.
-Pastor Chris Stallings

Leeds Splash Pad is Hiring
The Splash Pad is hiring for the 2022 summer season. Adult positions are available for those interested – must be at least 19 years old.
For more information, please contact Martha Ports at 205.358.6111.
Splash Pad Opening Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 28 at 10:00 am.

Be Responsible with Your Trash | Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
Residents are welcome to utilize the City of Leeds Recyling Center for disposing of appropriate trash, but please DO NOT DROP OFF anything after normal business hours. Absolutely nothing is to be dropped off anytime other than during business hours. For more information, please visit www.leedsalabama.org/recycling-bulk-waste/
Grand River Drive In
Weather is warm outside, time to grab a friend and come to the movies.
Box Office Opens: 6:00pm // Movies Begin: 8:00pm
Order your tickets by visiting our site or purchasing at the box office when you arrive.
May 13th-May 19th
Screen 1: Closed for Maintenance
Screen 2: 8:15pm - Firestarter (R) / 10:05pm - Abulance (R)
Screen 3: 8:15pm - Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (PG-13) / 10:35pm -Morbius (PG-13)
Screen 4: 8:15pm - The Bad Guys (PG) / 10:05pm - Sonic The HEdgeHog 2 (PG)
More Info: https://www.grandriverdrive-in.com/
Thursday, May 12

Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will be on Talk of Alabama
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will be on Talk of Alabama today – Thursday, May 12 between 9:00 am and 10:00 am on abc3340. Annette McGuire will be representing us on the show to share information about our 27th Annual Creek Bank Festival that is coming up this Saturday. Be sure to watch TOA. If you are unavailable to watch, then be sure to set your DVR for record. For more information about Talk of Alabama, please visit: https://abc3340.com/station/talk-of-alabama.
Connect with TOA at: FB: @startyourdaywithTOA | IG: talkofalabama
Leeds Farmers Market
These are only a few of our Farmers and Vendors. Ken Waites with Alabama Kettle Corn truck will be here with FRIED PIES as well as his other treats! We are open every Thursday 3pm -6pm. Located on 6th Street between Methodist Church and Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce. See you at the market!!! Come by and pick up some fresh fruit, veggies and more!

Thunder @ the Grove 6pm-8pm
A monthly event sponsored by our FAITH Riders on every second Thursday at 6pm from April ’til September. No bikes required. Just come as you are, and enjoy food and fellowship with friends!
YP Leeds Area Derby Party | May 12
Flaunt your biggest hat or bow tie to win a prize at the Young Professionals Leeds Area Derby Party on May 12th from 6-8 pm at Rails & Ales.
More Info: www.YPLeedsArea.com
Friday, May 13
Live Music with Crisie Isbell | Rails & ALes
Music with Crisie Isbell 7-11 pm. + food with Its a Wrap Food Truck 6-9 pm.
More Info: https://railsandales.beer/events
Saturday, May 14
The Blessing Swap @ Cedar Grove Baptist Church May 14 9am-12pm
What is a Blessing Swap?
Picture a giant, multi-family yard sale… but with NO PRICE TAGS! THAT’s the Blessing Swap. Gather all of the “extras” in your life: clothes, toys, small household items, blankets, baby gear, etc. Drop these items off any time during early drop-off hours, or bring them with you to the Swap*. Then, shop through what everyone else has contributed** – for FREE!
More Info: http://cedargroveleeds.org/blessingswap

2022 Electronics Free Drop-Off Day & Paper Shredding Events
The City of Leeds is happy to share information about the 2022 Electronics Free Drop-Off Day and Paper Shredding events from 9:00 am to 11:30 am on the following dates and locations:
May 14
Jefferson County
Center Point Satellite Courthouse
2651 Center Point Parkway, 35215
June 11
Jefferson County Valley Creek
Water Reclamation Facility – Bessemer
3923 Clearwater Drive, 35023
See flyer for complete information about what can be disposed of at these events.
Live Music with Cody Howell | Rails & Ales
Live Music with Cody Howell 7-11 pm. Maria's Tacos Food Truck 6-9 pm.
More Info: https://railsandales.beer/events
Sunday, May 15

Live Music with The Martini Shakers | Rails & Ales
Music from The Martini Shakers 2pm-6pm.
Community Chorus Spring Concert May 15
Leeds Arts Council- in cooperation with Leeds Community Chorus- is proud to present: Community Chorus Spring Concert
The performance will be on May 15th at 3 pm at the Leeds Theatre and Arts Center, 8140 Parkway Drive, Leeds. All tickets are $10. For questions or reservations please email leedsartscouncilal@gmail.com
More Info: https://www.leedsartscouncil.org/calendar-of-events/
Monday, May 16
Oceans Of Possibilities | Register here for Summer Reading 2022!
8104 Parkway Drive Leeds, AL 35094
205-699-5962 | www.leedslibrary.com
Be Set Free Grief Counseling
Be Set Free is offering Adult Group Grief Counseling every Monday at 11am. Be Set Free is located in Leeds at 1628 9th Street NE.
CALL TODAY for more information (205) 702-6204.
Food Truck Monday with Rib Bones
Leeds Food Truck Monday May 16, hosted by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce – Rib Bones. This food truck will be available approximately 11-2. Look for them in downtown Leeds on the corner of Parkway Drive and 9th. We’re having great Food Truck Mondays…
More info: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com
Tuesday, May 17

Mental Health Awareness Workshop | Be Set Free
A Mental Health Awareness Workshop is scheduled at Leeds Jane Culbreth Library for May 17 at Noon.
For more information, please call (205) 702-6204.
Blazin Beats Bingo sponsored by Mortgage Banc’s Corey Smitherman | Rails & Ales
Pop Culture Trivia Challenge is adding to the fun we bring with Blazin'Beats Bingo. This is a fast paced music bingo game where our hosts will play part of songs while you listen and mark them off on your bingo card. This ain't your grandma's bingo! Get ready to hear great music, win prizes and hopefully be the first to yell BINGO!!! We bring the fun to Rails and Ales every Tuesday at 7 pm
More Info: https://railsandales.beer/events
Wednesday, May 18
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate Ambassadors Meeting
Corporate Ambassadors for the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at Noon in Leeds First Methodist Family Life Center. Lunch is $10 and an RSVP is required. In addition to covering Chamber business and assignments at each meeting, business building information is shared and each attendee is given a few moments to share information about themselves and their company. This is a great meeting for any local business in the area.
More Info: https://leedsareachamber.com/
Rails and Ales Open Paint @ 5:30pm
Let’s paint!!!! Buy drinks and bring some snacks!
To find what you’d like to do you’ll need to go to the Awake My Soul Studio fb page and click on photos…you’ll see open paint door hanger choices there or you can go to open paint canvas choices. Once you’ve found your project, message the page with your choice. Payment through the ticket link square.link/u/MumWM6qq please send your choice through messenger Or you can pay through Venmo, PayPal or Cash App. ??. Just request my link info for those options. Door hangers are $40 and canvases are $35. ALL projects are pre sketched. EVERYTHING is supplied! You just need to bring the fun!!!! Grab your friends!!!
Upcoming Events to Put on Your Calendar (and Remember to Register, if Required)
Leeds Area Chamber May 19 luncheon | Alabama Tourism Director Lee Sentell
Join the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce for our May Chamber Luncheon. We are excited to announce that our guest speaker will be Lee Sentell, Alabama Tourism Director. Our meeting is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. on May 19 at Leeds First United Methodist Church Family Life Center located at 1189 6th Street. Lunch is $15 payable at the door. Please make your reservations by Tuesday, May 17.
Learn more about our speaker at: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com
Miss Jefferson County Benefit Open Paint | May 19 | Merch boutique
Deadline to register is May 9. $10 of each project will go directly to benefit Miss Jefferson County.
To find what you’d like to do you’ll need to go to the Awake My Soul Studio fb page and click on photos…you’ll see open paint door hanger choices there or you can go to open paint canvas choices. Once you’ve found your project, message the page with your choice. You can pay through the ticket link square.link/u/MumWM6qq or you can pay through Venmo, PayPal or Cash App. . Just request my link info for those options. Door hangers are $40 and canvases are $35. ALL projects are pre sketched. EVERYTHING is supplied! You just need to bring the fun!!!! Grab your friends!!!
I’ll also have my art for sale with a portion of sales going to this benefit.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Knights of Columbus Charity Bingo Night | MAY 20
Come out to enjoy a Charity Bingo night at Leeds Civic Center scheduled for this Friday, May 20, 2022 hosted by Leeds Knights of Columbus Council 5597. Doors open at 5:00 pm. First of 6 games begin at 6 pm. Football style food and homemade desserts are available at a small cost. Games are typically over by 7:35 to 7:45 pm. Completely smoke and alcohol free! This is a fundraiser for charity projects in the greater Leeds area.
Leeds Civic Center is located at 1000 Park Drive. For more information about this event, please call 205.542.0671 and leave a message for Don Tice.

Leeds Elementary Spring Fling | May 20
The Leeds Elementary School will host their annual Spring Fling. This is a fundraiser and attendance is not limited to students and parents. Plan to enjoy an evening at Leeds Elementary and participate in this fundraiser.
Watercolor Classes with Gayle Jones | Artist Incorporated Gallery
Gayle Jones has announced additional dates for May Watercolor Classes at Artists Incorporated Gallery. She will be teaching this beautiful painting in a one day class on Friday May 20th or Saturday May 21st. She also has a previously announced 2 day class on May 5th and 6th. Sign up now at artistsincorpora@bellsouth.net
An Evening with Brandi McClaran
The Leeds Art Council Proudly Presents An Evening With Brandi Mcclaran on May 20th and May 21st at The Leeds Theatre and Art Center. All Tickets are $15 and are available at LAC.BOOKTIX.COM.
More Info: https://www.leedsartscouncil.org/
MACC Corvette Show
Front parking lot behind LOFT and COACH
3 ways to Register: contact@shopsofgrandriver.com | 205-702-8364 | Onsite the day of the event
All Corvettes are invited to enter
Proceeds to benefit Magic Moments
$25 entry fee per car
Summer Student Theatre Workshop
Leeds Arts Council is pleased to announce that Matilda the Musical Jr. is the show chosen for the Summer Student Theater Workshop for students in grades 2-12. The workshop will be held June 6-19 at the Leeds Theater and Arts Center, in downtown Leeds. The workshop is a two-week workshop, with students attending 8 am to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. There will be four performances: Friday June 17 at 7 pm, Saturday June 18 at 2 pm and 7 pm, and Sunday June 19 at 2 pm. The director is Michael Bridges, award-winning drama director at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School.
More Info: https://www.leedsartscouncil.org/theatre/summer-student-theatre-workshop/
Summer Student Music Camp

ANNUAL JAM CAMP | The Music Room
THE MUSIC ROOM'S ANNUAL JAM CAMP July 18th-22nd (9am- 12pm) Ages 6-12 $40/day Ease the summer blues with a fun and enriching week filled with music exploration! Our five day camp program is designed to offer your child the opportunity to explore different instruments, have an introduction to aspects of music theory, learn to play music in a group, and to participate in music-themed games and craft activities. To secure your spot, visit www.themusicroomleeds.com/camps
Shopping, Deals & More

Vote For Your Favorite Outlet Mall | The Outlet Shops of Grand River
Please consider voting for your favorite outlet mall - The Outlet Shops of Grand River. Voting closes on May 18th at 5:00 pm. https://www.alabama-magazine.com/vote-for-best-of-bama/
Mum & Me Mercantile
We have a great time at #MumandMeLeeds because each and every one of our customers are looking for a gift to make someone smile and feel special. We have the best job ever! *If you are looking for a gift for a new mom, her baby, or the bigger brother or sister then you will love our art work, stuffed animals, unique story books, and toys.
*Remember: We are more than happy to wrap your gift and we even deliver. See something you like? Give us a call and we will get it ready for you. MumandMeLeeds.com
Pants Store Leeds
Sunshine on our minds
Tap to shop on Instagram + Shop online at pantsstore.com & at all five of our locations
The Wooden Anchor
A lot of new items at The Wooden Anchor! Come see us today 10:00-6:00! 8149 Parkway Drive Leeds. More Info: https://www.facebook.com/rutbunchwoodenanchor

"The preservation of health is easier than the cure of the disease.” ?
Take care of your body, mind, and spirit today; so you can live a better tomorrow.
Get Started Today! ?
More Info: https://workoutanytime.com/leeds/
We want you to give us your food truck request!
Tell us what kind of food you are craving and we will invite them to downtown Leeds!
Contact Sandra McGuire at 205.965.9392.
Helping Other's
Ann's New Life Pregnancy Medical Center
Our annual Baby Bottle Drive started this past Sunday, 5-8, Mother's Day and will end on Sunday, 6-19. Father's Day. If you, your church, business or small group would like to participate we can deliver bottles to you today! Contact Ann's at 205-702-6500 or email us at annsnewlifecenterleeds@gmail.com. Ann's New Life Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers free, confidential pregnancy help and counseling to our community. Don't miss your opportunity to get involved and CHANGE A LIFE! All funds raised go directly towards helping Ann's New Life Center offer more FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, lay counseling, prenatal and parenting classes, school programs, fatherhood classes and so much more!
Leeds Outreach
Most needed items this week (May 8th -15th) are hamburger helper, tuna helper, canned corn and toilet paper. Thank you Leeds for your support.
More Info: https://leedsoutreach.godaddysites.com/

Beach Getaway Fundraiser
The Beach Getaway Fundraiser hosted by Knights of Columbus Leeds Council 5597 has three chances to win. By purchasing a ticket, you not only have a chance to win a great prize, but you are helping to raise money to support charities in the Leeds area. For more information, please TEXT ONLY to 205-542-0671.
This Week's Recipe
Spinach & Mushroom Quiche
This healthy vegetarian quiche recipe is as simple as it gets. It's a quiche without the fussy crust! It's filled with sweet wild mushrooms and savory Gruyère cheese. Enjoy it for breakfast or brunch, or serve it with a light salad for lunch.
Recipe from EatingWell: https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/278023/spinach-mushroom-quiche/

Everyone Leeds need your help! We want your videos! We want to know why you love leeds and the best way to communicate that is through a short selfie video. All you have to do is to record your video on your iPhone or Android and send it to us. Don't worry about messing up! You can record as many takes as you want until you get it like you want it to be - just 30-60 seconds of you sharing why you love our wonderful City of Leeds. We know that Everyone Loves Leeds, but we want to know why YOU LOVE LEEDS! You may email your video to us at everyoneleeds@gmail.com or share it with us on Google Drive. Your video will be shared on our Everyone Leeds website (www.EveryoneLeeds.com) and our social media. We look forward to hearing why you love Leeds! #ILoveLeeds
Don't worry! If you're camera shy, you can still get in the news. We'll be happy to accept your written blurb!
Let Everyone Leeds Share Your News!
Community is important so that's why we want your news. Whether you have a heart-warming story about the people of Leeds, a local business, an upcoming event or a bit of history that you would like to share, we're all ears here at Everyone Leeds. Everyone Leeds is a positive platform to help you get your news out so please send us your news and happenings each week!
Would your business like to be featured here?
If you are a member of the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and have a business or an upcoming event in Leeds, Alabama, you could be featured on this weekly e-blast. Please submit your upcoming event(s) or special offering and we will be happy to include it!
Are you looking for certain product or service from a local vendor? Check out the Business Directory at Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and choose a chamber member.
If you are a local business and not a chamber member, maybe it's time! For more information, visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.
To keep up with what's happening in Leeds, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to get this weekly e-blast direct to your inbox and visit our website often!
#everyoneleeds #leedshappenings #happeningleeds #historicleeds #leedsalabama #dineleeds #shopleeds #entertainleeds #visitleeds #thingstodo #events #minutesfrombham #buildingcommunity