Leeds Happenings this Week!
The Place to Go to Be in the Know
Check Out this Week's Leeds Happenings
We invite you to check out the scoop with all of the events, happenings, offerings and news snippets in this week's edition of Everyone Leeds.
As you already know, Leeds is an awesome community with so much to offer. There's definitely no shortage of anything to do. Just look around! Well, today is the Chamber of Commerce Annual Member Appreciation Cookout! Friday, the Chamber is confirming a partnership with Jacksonville State University to be able to offer tuition scholarships to Chamber Members and their employees. This is a huge win for any Chamber Member who has people within their organization that would like to further their education and get a discount on tuition. Saturday is a fundraiser day and plenty of fun with the Monster Mash Dash at The Outlet Shops of Grand River and the Cruising for Toys Charity Cruise-In downtown on the Parkway. Monday will be a blast with Downtown Trick or Treat! Tuesday is a special grand opening ceremony of the new Blue Cross Blue Shield Fitness Court® at Leeds Memorial Park. That's going to be an awesome event with Jeh Jeh Pruitt as our Emcee. The Police and Fire Departments are going head-to-head with a fitness challenge. Fitness Ambassadors will demonstrate the fitness court to show everyone how to use it. We should also have some Leeds High School students participate in the fun and a few health and fitness vendors there. Workout Anytime will conduct a free fitness class and, of course, we will cut the ribbon! This isn't all that's happening this week so be sure to check out each event and offering listed in this publication!
Remember to send us your news so we can feature it right here and always...
Shop Leeds. Dine Leeds. Live Leeds. Entertain Leeds.
Going to the Playoffs!

We are excited that Leeds High School Football Team is going to the playoffs with a 9-0 undefeated season. Way to go, Greenies!!! Go Greenwave! #RGR
Leeds Elementary News

An awesome new addition to the LCS family! We can't wait for Officer Kavli to lead our Monster Mash runners this Saturday in his new Greenwave-inspired SRO truck!
Grand River Drive In
Good times roll here at the drive-in !!! Here is your new movie lineup this week!
Gates open at 6:00pm / Movies begin at 7:30
Visit Us Online to View the Movies and Pre-order Tickets Quick and Easy - www.grandriverdrive-in.com/
Thursday, October 27
Chamber Member Appreciation Cookout
Chamber Member Appreciation Cookout 2022 - Thursday, October 27 from 11a-1p | The Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce would like to show our appreciation to you as a chamber member.
Our Board of Directors will have hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill to provide an appreciation lunch just for you so if you are a chamber member, drop by anytime between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for a free lunch on us! Location: Leeds First United Methodist Church Family Life Center.
There is no charge to participate, but RSVP is required so we may prepare enough food.
To RSVP, please call Sandra McGuire at 205.699.5001, 205.965.9392 or email Sandra@LeedsAreaChamber.com.
S.T.E.M. Club | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Thursday, October 27 at 4:00 pm. S.T.E.M. Club meets 4th Thursday each month at Leeds Jane Culbreth Library. For More Information Call (205) 699-6259 or visit our website: www.leedslibrary.com.
Blazin Beats Music Bingo | Rails & Ales
Rescheduled from Tuesday night to Thursday at 7 pm this week, Pop Culture Trivia Challenge is adding to the fun we bring with Blazin' Beats Bingo. This is a fast paced music bingo game where our hosts will play part of songs while you listen and mark them off on your bingo card. This ain't your grandma's bingo! Get ready to hear great music, win prizes and, hopefully, be the first to yell BINGO!!! We bring the fun to Rails and Ales every Tuesday at 7 pm. More Information: Rails & Ales

Live Music | The Backyard Leeds
Thursday, October 27 - Hutch Edwards Duo (6-9pm)
Foosball & Cornhole Tournaments | Van's Bar
It's Foos Thursday and Indoor Cornhole night at VAN'S in Leeds! Join the fun!!
More info: https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Friday, October 28
Leeds Area Chamber to Sign Agreement with JSU
Jacksonville State University and the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will sign an agreement to support the education of chamber members.
WHEN: Friday, October 28, 10 a.m.
WHERE: Leeds City Annex, located at 1410 9th Street, Leeds, AL
BACKGROUND: JSU’s president, Dr. Don C. Killingsworth, Jr., and Chamber President, Sandra McGuire, will announce a new partnership between the two organizations.
This partnership will provide tuition scholarships for Chamber Members and their Staff. More information coming soon. Visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com for more information.
Boos & Brews Party | Rails & Ales
Halloween Party Friday, October 28 - come dressed in your best costume. 6-11 pm.
Info: railsandales.beer

Live Music | The Backyard Leeds
TBA - Friday (6-9pm)
Fake News Band | Van's Bar Leeds
Fake News Band plays VAN'S this Friday, October 28th, at 9:00 PM. Good times with good friends! $6 cover. 21+ show. More info: https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Saturday, October 29

2022 Leeds Monster Mash Dash Color Run | The Outlet Shops of Grand River
Saturday, October 29 - Fun Run at 9:00 am. Come out and support this fundraiser for Leeds Elementary School and Leeds Primary School!
More Info: www.LeedsK12.org
Take & Make Saturday | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Make something fun & easy at home. Take & Make Bags in the Children's Area.
More Information: leedslibrary.com
Great Pumpkin Carving & Decorating Contest | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Be sure to enter the Great Pumpkin Carving & Decorating Contest at Leeds Jane Culbreth Library! This is a new special event in conjunction with Leeds Downtown Trick or Treat event. See details below for dates and times to drop off your decorated or carved pumpkin to enter the contest and for the viewing/judging of all pumpkins. It’s going to be a fabulous time!!
Pumpkin Drop-off | Saturday, October 29th
Judging \ Viewing | Halloween-Monday October 31st
Click here to download these printables & complete to enter the contest!
Trunk or Treat
| The American Legion 107
Leeds Cruising for Toys Charity Cruise In | Saturday, October 29
Leeds Cruising for Toys, cruise-in for a cause, is scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022 beginning at 1:00 pm in downtown Leeds, Alabama. This event is open to all cars, trucks and bikes. Admission: an unwrapped toy or donation. Bring unwrapped toy to enter drawing to win $500 cash. This is a toy drive and fundraiser to benefit children and teens through Leeds Outreach to provide Christmas for needy families. Cruise-In | 50-50 | Door Prizes | Food Trucks. We are accepting unwrapped toys, monetary donations and items for door prizes. Let’s all work together to make this a great Christmas for many children! This event is hosted by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Leeds and C & C Motor Company.
More Info: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com

Live Music | The Backyard Leeds
Cash Back Duo (2-5pm)
Check out our Special Drinks - October:
- Purple People Eater - Celebrating Halloween / Purple color represents Domestic Violence Victims
- Octoberfest - Original brew from Neighbors
Costume Parade & Trick or Treating | Bass Pro Shops Leeds
Bass Pro Shops is hosting a costume parade and trick or treating at the store!
Saturday 10/29/2022 Costume parade starts at 3:00PM trick or treating to follow afterwards.
•Ends at -8:00pm
Sunday 10/30/2022 Costume parade starts at 3:00PM trick or treating to follow afterwards.
•Ends at 6:00PM
Halloween Spooktacular & Costume Contest | Van's Bar Leeds
One of the largest and spookiest Halloween parties in town. Join us for VAN'S Annual Boos & Booze Halloween Spooktacular and Costume Contest on Saturday, October 29th, starting at 7 PM!
$1,000 in cash prizes. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners. You gotta go big to win!
More Info: https://www.facebook.com/VansBarLeeds
Sunday, October 30

Happy Sunday
Take time to reflect, celebrate in the church of your choice and enjoy your day!

Live Music | The Backyard Leeds
Sunday - Mike Mayhall Trio (2-5pm)
Trunk or Treat | First Baptist Leeds
Sunday, October 30 * 3-5 pm
Hot dogs, hayride, bounce house, candy
More info: www.facebook.com/firstbaptistleeds
Costume Parade & Trick or Treating | Bass Pro Shops Leeds
Bass Pro Shops is hosting a costume parade and trick or treating at the store!
Saturday 10/29/2022 Costume parade starts at 3:00PM trick or treating to follow afterwards.
•Ends at -8:00pm
Sunday 10/30/2022 Costume parade starts at 3:00PM trick or treating to follow afterwards.
•Ends at 6:00PM
Monday, October 31

Hustle & Grind Coffee Mondays | 6a-11a
at the corner of 9th Street & Parkway!
Masterpiece Monday's at Leeds Theatre & Arts Center | 9a-Noon
Did you know we are open on Mondays from 9-12? Come on down to the #leedsartscouncil to view the art of the @trussvillephotographyclub and to have a coffee from Hustle & Grind truck!
More Info: www.LeedsArtsCouncil.org
Leeds Downtown Trick or Treat - Monday, October 31
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce announces Leeds Downtown Trick or Treat 2022 scheduled for Monday, October 31. Downtown Trick or Treating provides safe and fun event for all children in our area to participate in each year and all businesses in the greater Leeds area are encouraged to participate. As always, our Trick or Treating hours will be from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM.
You do not have to be a Chamber Member to participate as a vendor in this event and there is no fee to participate – just plan to bring LOTS OF CANDY. If your company is not located in the designated downtown area, just call Sandra to get assigned a space on the street to set up. If you are bringing your children to enjoy this event, please note that the plan is for everyone to walk in the same direction (one way) and have a great time!
For more information or to register your business to participate in this exciting event, please contact Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, at 205.699.5001 and visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.
Great Pumpkin Carving & Decorating Contest | Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Enter the Leeds Library Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Deliver your decorated pumpkin to the Leeds Jane Culbreth Library on Saturday, October 29th by 2pm to register your pumpkin to be entered into the 1st Annual Leeds Library Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Winner will be chosen on Halloween! For more information CALL: 205-699-5962 or VISIT: www.LeedsLibrary.com
Pumpkin Drop-off | Saturday, October 29th
Judging \ Viewing | Halloween-Monday October 31st
Click here to download these printables & complete to enter the contest!
Neighborly Block Parties | Trick or Treat - Monday, October 31
Yes! Cedar Grove Baptist Church will actually be hosting 4 block parties across the Leeds/Moody area on Halloween night in the following neighborhoods: Oliver Crossing, Cahaba Crossing, Windsor Park and Sunrise Drive. 6:30-8p
More Info: info@cedargroveleeds,com or (205) 699-8446.
Tuesday, November 1
You are invited to Leeds Fitness Court® Grand Opening Ceremony
Tuesday, November 1 - 10 am at Leeds Memorial Park
-Grand Opening Ceremony
-Emcee: Jeh Jeh Pruitt, WBRC Fox 6 TV Presenter & Reporter
-Ribbon Cutting
-Police vs Fire Fitness Challenge
-Fitness Ambassadors - Fitness Demonstrations - Free Fitness Class
-Health Vendors / Giveaways
This event is hosted by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, City of Leeds & Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce. More info: www.LeedsAreaChamber.com
Blazin Beats Music Bingo | Rails & Ales
Pop Culture Trivia Challenge is adding to the fun we bring with Blazin' Beats Bingo. This is a fast paced music bingo game where our hosts will play part of songs while you listen and mark them off on your bingo card. This ain't your grandma's bingo! Get ready to hear great music, win prizes and, hopefully, be the first to yell BINGO!!! We bring the fun to Rails and Ales every Tuesday at 7 pm. More Information: Rails & Ales
Line Dancing & Pool Tournament | Van's Bar
Wednesday, November 2
Leeds Jane Culbreth Library
Adult Book Club
Meet your friends! Wednesday, November 2nd in the Leeds Library Meeting Room at 10 AM.
It's Cookie Monster Day at the Library, too!
Come decorate a cookie from 11 am - 1 pm.
For more information: Call 205-699-5962 - Visit: www.LeedsLibrary.com

Harvest Family Supper | Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Invite your Friends & Family to Cedar Grove Baptist Church for The Harvest Family Supper.
Wednesday, November 2 in the Banquet Hall
Bring your favorite Pie, family & friends.
More Info: info@cedargroveleeds,com or (205) 699-8446.
Free Billiards | The Backyard Leeds
Open Mic Night & Weekly Pool Tournaments | Van's Bar
Shopping, Deals & More
The Backyard Leeds | The Outlet Shops of Grand River
Check out our Special Drinks - October:
-Purple People Eater - Celebrating Halloween / Purple color represents Domestic Violence Victims
-Octoberfest - Original brew from Neighbors
Did you know?
Most Popular Fall Items on The Backyard Menu:
- Pork and Greens (Saw's BBQ)
- Grand River Pie (Neighbors)
- Neighbors Nachos
- Pork Rinds (Saw's BBQ)
- Oktoberfest (Neighbors Brewing)
Three Earred Rabbit Leeds
Halloween Cookies..to scary of a treat!!
Visit their Facebook page for daily specials.

Kinetic Business
Get 3 months Free of new phone service with phone included!
Chris Savage
Business Sales Consultant
Alabama & Mississippi
(205) 657-7903 iPhone
8372 1st Ave SE Leeds, AL 35094
La Salon & Boutique Plus Tanning
1st Tan Free for limited time
LA Salon Boutique
Plus Tanning
on Livery Square
1601 9th Street, Leeds
PATIENT APPRECIATION DAYS!! | Leeds Family Chiropractic
To infinity and Beyond!!! …Join us for our “Toy Story” themed Patient Appreciation Days! Leeds Family Chiropractic is celebrating 11 years in the Leeds area! Since opening our doors in 2011, we have experienced growth through which we have helped thousands of people with health care needs. With the end of another year of service, also comes our time to show our appreciation to you, our patients.
On October 20th and October 27th, we will be holding our annual PATIENT APPRECIATION DAYS!!!
Check out the details on our Facebook page.
Leeds Family Chiropractic - 1101 Higrove Parkway, Suite 113, Leeds
P: 205.699.6600 - F: 205.702.4877
Mum & Me Mercantile - Holiday Pottery Workshop!
So my good buddy, Leeds potter Susan Moore, is having her holiday pottery workshop at Mum & Me on Nov. 10th from 5-7. So last year we made the Holy Family, Angel and crèche. This year, you can add a camel, donkey and Shepherd. Also, Wise Men, if you didn’t make them. So, come start an heirloom for your family or finish the one you started. Class is limited to 8!! Call 205-702-6677 to hold your place!!! It is always such a fun night! See how happy and fun we are!
Fall Sale | Overstock Mattress & Beds
$499 king memory foam mattress $699 includes boxes.
Best prices around! Don't miss these fabulous deals!!!
Downtown Leeds 8105 Parkway Drive
5 Day Sale & Giveaway | Pants Store
Our 5 Day Sale starts October 26th in stores AND on pantsstore.com! Everything will be 20% off in stores and on pantsstore.com (limited exclusions may apply)! Sale ends Sunday!
-Add this post to your story
-Follow @pantsstore and @pantsstorevip
-tag 3 friends
The winner will be announced on Friday October 28th!!
Christmas Open House | The Outlet Shops of Grand River
Introducing the Christmas Passport
with a Chance to Win a $500 Gift Card
Friday-Sunday, November 4-6, 2022
Christmas Shopping Has Never Been This Much Fun!
The deals are just beginning.
Pick up your Christmas Passport at University Pickers in Suite 672 to kick off your shopping. Visit The Local Collection stores to get a stamp and enjoy treats, deals, and giveaways. Once your Christmas Passport is completed, return it to Guest Services for a chance to win a $500 gift card to The Outlet Shops of Grand River.
Learn more at www.ShopsOfGrandRiver.com
Christmas open House & 1 Year Anniversary | The Wooden Anchor
It’s getting closer! And- we have lots of new Christmas items that came in this week! Hope you plan on coming and celebrating with us!
More Information: facebook.com/rutbunchwoodenanchor

Tri-B Floors | For your Carpet Cleaning Needs & More
Providing on-site carpet cleaning, hard floor surface cleaning and upholstery cleaning.
We're located right here in Leeds so call us today!
(205) 577-0838
A new Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Member
Halloween Costume Party | Workout Anytime Leeds
Halloween Costume Party next Monday!!
Our annual Halloween Costume Party will be held Monday, October 31st during staffed hours. We will have a Costume Contest and staff will be voting on the BEST costume!
1st Place: 1 FREE Month
2nd Place: FREE PT Session
3rd Place: FREE T-shirt
May the best costume win Learn more at www.WorkoutAnytime.com
Supporting Our Non-Profits
Ann's New Life Center - Leeds
Ann's New Life is a resource center dedicated to supporting and empowering women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Educate. Support. Empower.
We offer free pregnancy tests, pregnancy classes and parenting classes.
Need baby supplies? Please give us a call!
T: 205.702.6500
And check out the October Newsletter at
Leeds Outreach Update
There are so many of you that we need to thank for loving your neighbors. There's so much happening. We continue accepting children's Christmas wishes and sponsors to fill those wishes. October 29th, the Cruising for Toys event will be fun and help fill some of those wishes. It will be December before we realize. Our ongoing weekly food distribution is always a challenge because because of limited selection from the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama. Donations of food, personal care and household items are needed. Money allows us to target our weekly needs. We hope to have more stores as collection points to make it easier to donate. We hope to have businesses that will be collecting children's vitamins and pet food. Yes, it's a busy time at Leeds Outreach. Please share our posts with your neighborhood groups, church groups and friends and family. For those that do not use FB, please share our web page at https://leedsoutreach.godaddysites.com. You may also email us at leedsoutreach@gmail.com.
Christmas Assistance | Leeds Outreach
This is the last week to apply for Christmas assistance. Deadline is October 31st. Please Contact us to become a client if you are not already one to get help for Christmas. You can scan the QR code to get started. For those that do not use FB, please share our web page at https://leedsoutreach.godaddysites.com. You may also email us at leedsoutreach@gmail.com.

Part- Time Field Tech Needed | Guardian Systems
More Information: GSILab.com
This Week's Recipe
Zuppa Toscana
Loaded with sausage, bacon, potatoes, spinach, and cream, this classic Italian Zuppa Toscana recipe and Olive Garden soup copycat is pure comfort in a bowl!
Get recipe ZuppaToscana@bellyfull.net

Everyone Leeds need your help! We want your videos! We want to know why you love leeds and the best way to communicate that is through a short selfie video. All you have to do is to record your video on your iPhone or Android and send it to us. Don't worry about messing up! You can record as many takes as you want until you get it like you want it to be - just 30-60 seconds of you sharing why you love our wonderful City of Leeds. We know that Everyone Loves Leeds, but we want to know why YOU LOVE LEEDS! You may email your video to us at everyoneleeds@gmail.com or share it with us on Google Drive. Your video will be shared on our Everyone Leeds website (www.EveryoneLeeds.com) and our social media. We look forward to hearing why you love Leeds! #ILoveLeeds
Don't worry! If you're camera shy, you can still get in the news. We'll be happy to accept your written blurb!
Let Everyone Leeds Share Your News!
Community is important so that's why we want your news. Whether you have a heart-warming story about the people of Leeds, a local business, an upcoming event or a bit of history that you would like to share, we're all ears here at Everyone Leeds. Everyone Leeds is a positive platform to help you get your news out so please send us your news and happenings each week!
Would your business like to be featured here?
If you are a member of the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and have a business or an upcoming event in Leeds, Alabama, you could be featured on this weekly e-blast. Please submit your upcoming event(s) or special offering and we will be happy to include it!
Are you looking for certain product or service from a local vendor? Check out the Business Directory at Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and choose a chamber member.
If you are a local business and not a chamber member, maybe it's time! For more information, visit www.LeedsAreaChamber.com.
To keep up with what's happening in Leeds, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to get this weekly e-blast direct to your inbox and visit our website often!
#everyoneleeds #leedshappenings #happeningleeds #historicleeds #leedsalabama #dineleeds #shopleeds #entertainleeds #visitleeds #thingstodo #events #minutesfrombham #buildingcommunity